Two New Trustees Elected to Lane-Scott Electric Board
Congratulations to Susan Nuss who was elected by the Lane-Scott Electric membership to represent the Hodgeman-Finney County District, and James Jordan elected to represent the Ness-Rush County District. If you missed reading their biography during the election process, you can find it at
The Lane-Scott Board of Trustees consist of nine trustees who represent our eight-county service territory. The business and affairs of the cooperative are directed by the board, who exercise the power of the cooperative. Every year, trustee positions whose three-year term expires are open for election.
We would like to thank all of the nominees who ran for a position, and all the members who voted in the election! One of our valued principles is Democratic Member Control. Providing multiple voting options enhanced this principle by allowing members unable to attend our Annual Meeting the opportunity to be involved in the affairs of their cooperative. We hope member participation will continue to grow in years to come.